Complaining, Whining and Gossiping, Oh My!

Two days ago, I was having a particularly stressful day.  It was one of those when I was nearly convinced by noon that the entire universe had conspired to irritate every last drop of goodness out of me.  I was just plain mad at someone over a work issue, I was being cut off in traffic left and right, my cell phone wouldn’t quit ringing, I had a million things on my to-do list and I just big, fat wasn’t feeling any progress in anything.

Back story

A few months ago, I signed a No Complaint contract with myself.  I actually printed it out and signed it.  This contract stated that I would not complain, whine, or gossip for seven weeks.  The rule was that every time I broke the agreement, I would start the contract over from day one.

Have you ever noticed how much complaining, whining and gossiping we participate in AND perpetuate?  You sure would if you signed a contract saying you wouldn’t do it.  By the end of the first week, I’d had to re-sign the contract every single day, and I was fully ashamed of myself.

While I’ve been making positive changes over the past several months, signing the contract has without question been the most transformative.

Until two days ago.

I’m not saying I haven’t had to recommit to my agreement multiple times, but most of those were accidental breaches.  Two days ago, though, I let ‘er rip.I’d just been cut off for the third time by that shiny black Mercedes when I thought, “Stupid, stupid No-Complaint Contract.  Who needs it?”

And off I went.
I preached an unholy sermon to my windshield and beyond all the way down the interstate.  I complained about anything that came to mind.  I fussed, and I fussed, and I fussed.  And when people driving by started staring, I complained about them, too, for good measure.When I was done complaining, I transitioned directly into whining, and had anyone been in the car with me, I would’ve totally gossiped like a Rock Star.

That whole day was shot, not to mention the No-Complaint contract.

The next day I woke up in a terrible mood again, and no matter how many ‘happy thoughts’ I tried to think, I couldn’t shake the bad ones.

Finally, it was mid-afternoon—a good twenty-four hours after my rant—that I’d had enough.  I went to the Greenway and took a walk by the river.  It was cold out, but I didn’t care.  I needed to walk someplace quiet and pretty.  After a while I finally started calming down.  It wasn’t till the next day, though, that I started to feel like me again.

When I look back over the week, I’m fascinated by what a profound impact letting a little negativity back in (okay, it was a lot of negativity—all of the negativity ever, maybe) had.  I hadn’t felt so bad and discombobulated in weeks.

I Sound Like Oprah

I’m certainly not trying to pass myself off as some kind of ‘centered’ and all-peaceful guru.  I doubt Gandhi posted a No Complaint contract in his office.

All I know is that I’m convinced.

I’m persuaded that staying out of negative conversations, and trying not to complain, whine or gossip makes my entire life experience better—mentally and physically.So, I’m in.  I’ve re-signed my No Complaint contract and I’m in for another seven weeks.

Why don’t you try it for a week and just see what happens?  You might be surprised.

To your adventure,


3 thoughts on “Complaining, Whining and Gossiping, Oh My!

  1. Love it, Belinda. We Smith-sisters need to stick together. I’m signing one today and joining you. Crap. That means I have to not complain when Brad is behind the wheel on the way to PA for Christmas? Oh. My. Glory. Only by grace… only by grace. (I’m a horrible passenger.)

    Thanks for the vulnerability and for the challenge. I’m in.


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